WE craft eye catching


Designed for Enterprises available for Everyone.

  • CNI plugin (powered by Weave) for overlay network support
  • Traefik ingress control for transferring HTTP/HTTPS requests to services
  • CoreDNS for internal names resolution
  • HELM package manager to auto-install pre-packed solutions from repositories

HTTP/3 Premium CDN & Lightning-Fast Performance Worldwide

Improve websites performance speeding up a static assets delivery with powerful technology and exceptional simplicity.


HTTP/3, also known as HTTP-over-QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections), enhances web application speed by up to 60%, resulting in quicker page loads and improved user experiences. Additionally, it ensures enhanced security by mandating default traffic encryption.

Enterprise Performance

  • HTTP/3 enabled – QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) maximizes web speed and security.
  • Anycast IP technology for rapid routing
  • Smart load balancing guarantees delivery from the quickest resource for every request.
  • Content availability at 100% and 30% faster performance
  • Our Open Peering Policies facilitate single-hop, low-latency connections to networks. Strategically positioned within data centers, our Super PoPs interconnect with major last-mile providers, ensuring optimal performance worldwide.
  • We’ve established direct peering connections with numerous prominent eyeball networks, bypassing multiple hops to efficiently deliver your exceptional content directly to consumers, significantly enhancing their browsing experience.

Global Presence

  • There are over 130 Super PoPs (points of presence) situated across six continents.
  • Immediate global content distribution to users.
  • Our team of experts will support you during your client demonstrations.
  • Minimize requests and origin location bandwidth usage.
  • With 4,000+ global interconnections, you can effortlessly connect with customers worldwide and expand into new markets rapidly. Our strategically positioned Super PoPs at the heart of the world’s fastest data interchanges enable us to deliver content more efficiently with minimal overhead compared to other CDNs.

  • Scalable worldwide infrastructure offers extensive static caching and dynamic content acceleration via rapid TLS connection and Anycast DNS on a PCI-DSS compliant network.

Enterprise Performance

  • User-friendly graphical interface and accessible APIs make operations seamless.
  • Streamlined service delivery mechanism for optimal efficiency.
  • An uncomplicated and affordably priced model
  • We offer premium traffic at uniform pricing globally, while other CDNs charge more in regions such as LATAM and APAC.
  • Self-enablement tools streamline crucial caching tasks, replacing expensive professional services, boosting efficiency, and cutting costs significantly. This empowers users to manage caching needs independently.
  • Customers receive tailored options without unexpected charges tied specifically to their location; our global pricing remains consistent across all continents, ensuring fairness and transparency.

Advanced Security

Our service guarantees swift and secure DNS resolutions, reinforced by strong anti-DDoS safeguards and TLS encryption. Furthermore, we uphold a PCI-DSS compliant network, ensuring top-notch data security and compliance standards, facilitating safe online transactions and smooth, efficient, and intuitive interactions.

Best ROI

The Edgeport service delivery model, coupled with our streamlined CDN technology, offers a compelling Return on Investment (ROI) for you. It decreases Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) by slashing administrative and maintenance expenses, enhancing productivity, and cutting service costs without sacrificing quality.

Self-Service Model

Edgeport empowers real-time control, extensive visibility, and customization, enhancing autonomy, agility, and productivity. Utilize features like CNAME creation, content purging, file compression, custom action creation, URL rewriting—without costly services. Experience heightened flexibility and efficiency.


Per GB
Data Transfer Rs 7
Per 10,000 Requests
Data Transfer Rs 0.525